Pre/Post Prostate Surgery (Radical Prostatectomy or TURP)

No Referral Needed

Accredited and Experienced Physiotherapists

Personalised Treatment

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed male cancer. One of the treatment options for prostate cancer is radical prostatectomy which involves complete removal of the prostate. Most cases (approximately 85%) experience some degree of incontinence following the operation. This can have a significant effect on your quality of life if it is not managed well following surgery. However we can help you prevent this. A structured and tailored pelvic floor program decreases the risk of severe and ongoing leakage.

It is standard procedure for our physiotherapists to begin individualised pelvic floor rehabilitation before surgery when possible and to use an accelerated pelvic floor rehabilitation program following prostate surgery. This has been proven to improve quality of life sooner than those who wait for a spontaneous recovery.

Pelvic floor rehabilitation is taught using real-time ultrasound. This is so we can ensure you are using the right muscles and allows men to visualise the correct contraction of the pelvic floor for effective rehabilitation. High quality contractions are more likely to produce better outcomes and each program will be tailored to an individuals circumstances to assist them with getting back to normal life sooner.

Exercise based interventions can also assist pelvic floor strengthening following surgery to get you back on track.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral?
No referral is necessary to consult with our men’s health physiotherapists although bring one along to the appointment if you have been given one.
How long are your appointments?
For an initial consultation, please allow 40-50 minutes. For any subsequent appointment, please allow 25-30 minutes.
Can I claim a rebate from my private health fund?
You will be able to claim a rebate if you have private health insurance covering physiotherapy. For details regarding rebate amounts you should contact your private health fund.
I have been provided with an Enhanced Primary Health Plan from my doctor. Can this be used to see a men’s health physiotherapist?
Yes. You will need to forward your receipt to Medicare following your appointment for any rebate. Enhanced Primary Care is not bulk-billed.
Are the physiotherapists male?
Yes, our men’s health physiotherapists are male.